WTA Webcast: Teleports and the Emerging 5G Satellite Standard

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WTA Webcast: Teleports and the Emerging 5G Satellite Standard

Tuesday, January 12 at 10:00AM EST

Semir Hassanaly

Join Semir Hassanaly, Head of Cellular Backhaul & Trunking, ST Engineering iDirect, for the upcoming WTA Webcast: Teleports and the Emerging 5G Satellite Standard.

Through the 3rd Generation Partnership Project 3GPP), the satellite industry is making a major push to make emerging 5G mobile standards satellite-friendly. The goal is to ensure that waveforms specified in the 5G standards make it simple for satellite to participate in fixed and mobile broadband, autonomous vehicle support and massive IoT connectivity, where 5G is expected to dominate. As 5G proliferates, the complex technologies required for satellite backhaul of 2G, 3G and 4G/LTE are expected to begin a slow fade into obsolescence, while new opportunities in mobility will begin to open. In Teleports and the Emerging 5G Satellite Standard, WTA asks technology and satellite executives to forecast the likely future of this technology innovation and investigate the likely technology and business requirements for teleport operators to access the new opportunities.

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Dates: January 12, 2021 - January 12, 2021
Times: -