Webinar: The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

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Webinar: The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

September 30, 9:30AM UTC / 11:30AM CET – Register!

Webinar – The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea | How Maritime Stakeholders Thrive in the Blue Economy

Shipping and maritime has traditionally viewed itself as a self-contained industry made unique by the particular challenges of operating in the harsh marine environment. But today there is a pressing need to embrace technology and digitalization, despite the attendant challenges. The interdependence of the maritime industry ecosystem has never been so exposed. Maritime stakeholders are in an unprecedented position to reap the rewards of ‘ecosystem thinking’ to fundamentally transform for the future of worldwide trade and travel.

Join us for an important webinar, developed jointly with K D Adamson, Futurist-in-resident of Futurenautics. Panelists representing connectivity, shipping, ports, and logistics will join in discussion:

  • Factors and challenges to realize complete network optimization within companies and across the maritime industry
  • Blue Economy requirements that may limit doing things the ‘old way’ and how technology can help
  • How to collectively shift mindset toward transparency and resiliency by maritime businesses and organizations
  • Immediate impacts and emerging opportunities of using technology to connect, transform, and create future growth supported by service providers and technology partners

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Dates: September 30, 2020 - September 30, 2020
Times: -