Connected World Series: The Precision Farming Connection 2021

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Connected World Series: The Precision Farming Connection 2021

Join Jean-Michel Rouylou, Head of Enterprise and Broadband, on April 8 at 15:30 for his presentation:  Unlock the Full Potential with Satellite IoT.


IoT-enabled farming is becoming more technology and connectivity driven. Yet the geographic scale of farming limits the use of many terrestrial and wireless connectivity options, so satellite connectivity in many cases is key to spurring an array of use cases for precision farming.

Service providers that want to build a new IoT service offering spanning all use cases from low, medium and high data rates require a highly efficient, cost-effective solution and in many cases flexible business models as they are entering this market for the first time. That’s why at ST Engineering iDirect we have launched flexible IoT Solutions to supplement our highly successful platforms and to ease the entry of service providers into the IoT market.

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A large percentage of the world’s farmland lacks reliable cellular or fiber connectivity, at a time when precision and digitalized automated farming is dependent on it. In addition, Earth Observation satellites, using space imagery for crop monitoring, animal tracking and more, together with connected devices, machinery and operations teams in the field, are feeding significant data volumes into IoT networks… and from there to operations centers for analysis. Join Rajesh Suseelan, Sr. Director for Strategic Business Development, for his presentation on April 8th.



Dates: April 8, 2021 - April 8, 2021
Times: -