May 23, 2024

Transforming Satellite Networks Through Intuition: Watch Via Satellite’s Talk with Sridhar Kuppanna

Satellite Networks Deployed Through Intuition

Why will Intuition be a game-changer for the satellite industry?

During Via Satellite’s Thursday Morning Conversations, our Senior Vice President of Engineering Sridhar Kuppanna sat down with Via Satellite Magazine’s Senior Editorial Director Mark Holmes to answer this question.

Watch the two delve deep into the transformative impact of our next generation ground system and learn how the platform will revolutionize the satellite communications industry, enabling you to advance and scale quickly and efficiently. Key highlights include:

  • Why virtualization will revolutionize the greater industry, powering you to deliver high-quality applications no matter where
  • How we’re leveraging the power of AI to provide seamless automation and intelligent decision making
  • The ways Intuition is the answer to your needs and ambitions – supporting applications that offer the best capabilities among leveraging all orbits
  • The importance of standards-based infrastructure for interoperability to meet market demands

Designed to meet the digitalization strategies of today’s most demanding requirements, Intuition is your gateway to a smarter, more connected future. Join us and discover how Intuition can elevate your satellite communication strategy to new heights providing you with the competitive edge needed to thrive in an ever-evolving market.