February 15, 2017

iDirect’s Denis Sutherland to Appear on Panel at Connectivity Forum 2017

denis-mediumAt the Connectivity Forum 2017 in London on 22 February, Denis Sutherland, Vice President of Business Development at VT iDirect, will serve on the “Mobile Connectivity, the Cloud & the Internet of Things (IoT)” panel.

Sutherland has nearly 20 years of experience in the telecommunications and network industries, and has consistently promoted VSAT’s role in the world of global communications. He posits that VSAT can provide solutions for all mobility needs, and is the best direction to pursue for achieving 100% coverage for planes, ships, trains and cars.

To prove his position, he points to business models that already use IoT applications over satellite connections, like Rolls Royce and its engine outsourcing and health management products. Plus, movements like Big Data and IoT for sensor collection are also providing faster access to data. Cloud computing works with satellite connectivity to provide a central location for the worldwide collection of data. This allows for faster access to data, and therefore more immediate response. By enabling the use of cloud, and remote mobile satellite connectivity, companies can remotely monitor and maintain with the same quality as if they were sitting right next to these “things” right in the factory.

“The opportunity for the telecommunications industry is substantial,” Sutherland says. “Is the satellite industry providing the right kind of connectivity? Are the right business models and relationships in place for all vendors to capitalize on the opportunity?”

Joining him on the panel will be Mike Holdsworth, Product Delivery Specialist at Inmarsat; Jorge Rodriguez Lopez, Product Strategy Manager at Hispasat, and Anna Guegan, Policy Advisory at Access Partnership.

The panel will be moderated by Martin Jarrold, Chief of International Programme Development at GVF.